Who We Are

Inspired by divine touch, the founder established the foundation in response to God's call, with the intention of faithfully serving as a good steward.

Indeed, the name Wanyi is pronounced as “宛颐” in Chinese. The character WAN conveys the qualities of gentle temperance and an attitude of obedience, while YI symbolizes a graceful image. As human beings are created in the image of God, the name Wanyi reflects the embodiment of God's grace. It signifies the joy and fulfillment found in serving God and working towards manifesting His glory.

Our Mission

As an image bearer of God, the foundation's founder embraces her role as an entrepreneur, infused by purpose, passion, and pursuit to reflect the image of the Original Entrepreneur and bring glory to Him.

Wanyi Faith Foundation's mission is to spread God's love, be salt and light, and inspire transformative impact in lives.

Our Vision

Wanyi Faith Foundation's calling is to inspire hope, optimize resources, and bridge the gap between abundance and scarcity, affirming the inherent worth in the image of God.

We envision a world where individuals are empowered, hearts are inspired, and communities are uplifted.